Steinschneider Bibliographic Database

September 2002 – June 2004
The Steinschneider Bibliographic Database is a digitized relational database for the study of pre-modern Jewish philosophy, science, and belles-lettres, based on the standard reference-work, Die Hebraeischen Ubersetzungen des Mittelalters und dir Juden als Dolmetscher (The Hebrew Translations of the Middle Ages and the Jews as Interpreters, henceforth HU).
Written by Moritz Steinschneider in 1893, HU is a thousand-page bibliographical study of over eleven hundred medieval Hebrew manuscripts composed during the golden age of Jewish philosophy and science. It is the most authoritative source for the influence on non-Jewish culture upon Jewish culture during the Middle Ages. Although unrivaled and unsurpassed, Steinschneider’s work is dated and in need of revision. The Steinschneider Bibliographical Database (SBD) includes a translation and ongoing update of HU, a comprehensive list of extant manuscripts in the relevant areas with pictures of the first folios of each manuscript, selected English translations (where available and permission is attainable), and links to further information. All the materials of the SBD is available for scholars digitally.
While the SBD is geared primarily for scholars, it will have immediate pedagogic value in college courses and for Jewish high schools. Using the SBD, this project hopes to kindle interest among high school and college students in the study of the history of science and philosophy among the Jews.