LGBT Studies Program

September 2002 – December 2002
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Certificate Program was approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission and endorsed by the University’s Board of Regents in Spring 2002. That milestone is merely the latest evidence of the University’s long-standing commitment to achieving diversity in both the demographic as well as the educational sense of the word. The LGBT Studies Program, like the programs and departments in Afro-American Studies, Asian American Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin-American Studies, and Women’s Studies that preceded it, is part of the institution’s broad and deep effort to transform curricula to reflect new developments in multicultural scholarship and to provide students with a set of educational experiences that convey some sense of the diversity of human cultures. The task of LGBT Studies is to highlight sexuality and sexual identities as aspects of the diversity of the University community and of the knowledge generated by our faculty and students.