Doing digital scholarly work, or curious about the digital humanities and related digital studies? The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) is a digital humanities center located right at the heart of campus in Hornbake Library. During the semester, MITH hosts a signature event series, Digital Dialogues, featuring talks by local and visiting scholars on a wide variety of topics related to the digital humanities. The Fall 2014 season of Digital Dialogues starts soon, but first, to kick things off, MITH would like to hold a pre-launch meet-up for interested students and faculty.

This would be a chance to meet others on campus who are interested in digital scholarly work and share your research interests, as well as to meet MITH staff and see our space. We especially encourage new graduate students and faculty to attend and give a brief 3-5 minute lightning talk about their research interests—whether you’ve just begun thinking about some topic, or are further along on a project. These talks can be brief and informal, but you are welcome to share graphics or a presentation if you wish.

If enough interested students and faculty express interest, our goal is to hold this event on Tuesday, September 23rd at 12:30pm, which is the Tuesday immediately preceding our first Digital Dialogue talk with Allison Booth (Professor of English, UVA). Click here for a full schedule of our fall series. Light refreshments would be provided.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out our survey by 6:00pm this Wednesday September 17th. We’ll follow up with everyone who expresses an interest.