MITH is delighted to welcome Heather Froehlich of the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK) for an lecture entitled “To any count, to all counts, to what is man”: finding patterns of gender in Early Modern” on July 2nd at 3 pm in MITH’s Conference Room. The statistical computation of possible collocates creates a distance view of the Shakespeare corpus as a whole. To produce a close reading of these examples in context, she uses various digital tools including WordHoard, AntConc, Open Source Shakespeare, the Oxford English Dictionary and Historical Thesaurus of the OED to create a cross-section of gender. In this paper, she selects highly prototypically gendered nouns which illustrate high, neutral, and low formality: lord/lady, man/woman, knave/wench. These specific nouns have been culled from both intuition and representative collocational patterns in Shakespeare while remaining illustrative of highly prototypical titles and social roles relevant to the early modern period. She aims to identify some salient patterns of gender representation across a model corpus of Early Modern Drama by highlighting a number of collocational patterns which construct both gender and formality in the Shakespeare corpus. She hypothesizes that formality levels will be consistently represented in relationship to female characters rather than male characters, but from this process she ultimately suggest that a formality distinction is closely tied to femininity, rather than masculinity, in Shakespeare. Please join us for her talk.