There has been so much recent activity at MITH that we’d like to take a moment and share a brief digest of MITH in the news and in the world.

  • Following his success in running a groundbreaking conference devoted to Application Programming Interfaces recently hosted by MITH, Assistant Director Dave Lester participated last week in a National Digital Humanities “Conversation on Communities, Conferences, and Centers” sponsored by the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE). NITLE has archived a recording of this event for those who are interested in “ joining the national (and international) conversation on the digital humanities.” A stellar cast of digital humanities scholars including, Jentery Sayers and Jason Jones, joined Dave for this discussion.
  • Dave Lester is also currently away from MITH in order to participate in a two-day code sprint at Indiana University along with MITH Web Programmer, Grant Dickie, and Jim Smith. They join our IU colleagues to further develop the Text-Image Linking Environment (TILE) project.
  • If all this activity isn’t enough, on Saturday, April 2 several members of the MITH team, led by Director Neil Fraistat, will be headed to Oxford for a meeting of the Coalition of Humanities and Art Infrastructures and Networks - CHAIN.
  • A little closer to home, please be reminded of our wonderful Digital Dialogue series that will feature MITH staff as presenters in the coming weeks: March 29 – Travis Brown, April 19 – Seth Denbo and Neil Fraistat, and April 26, Jim Smith.

We have been closely following Patricia Cohen’s coverage of the digital humanities in the New York Times and were happy to receive see mention in a recent article of a past MITH project, the Soweto ‘76 Archive. Please continue to follow us here, Twitter and Facebook for more news of MITH and digital humanities in the world.